How Long Does An HVAC System Last?

Mar 17, 2021 | HVAC System

Installing cooling or heating systems in your home is one of the biggest expenses, so it only makes sense that you do everything it takes to keep it up and running for as long as possible. Typically, HVAC systems last as long as 20 to 25 years. Yet, several factors can change how long your HVAC system performs as expected.

What Can Reduce The Life Expectancy Of HVAC Systems?

Even the highest-quality furnaces, heat pumps, and boilers can be deteriorated quickly by the following factors:

  • Irregular maintenance
  • Existing defect or low quality of the product
  • Poor quality installation
  • Underestimation or overestimation of the size of the HVAC system
  • Incorrect usage by high or low loading
  • Leaving the windows and doors unsealed while the HVAC system is running
  • Presence of corrosive elements like salty air

Unsurprisingly, the biggest impact comes from HVAC systems that are not properly maintained. The components of HVAC systems are highly functional throughout the usage, so they can quickly live out their lifespan.

The biggest advantage of regular maintenance is that small issues can be caught ahead of time and fixed at a lower price before it becomes a bigger problem. Coastal areas also have a considerable impact on the quality and lifespan of HVAC systems due to the corrosive nature of salt in the air. This has to be regularly maintained as well to clear out any soil deposits from the system periodically.

How Long Does an HVAC System Last

Depending on the type of HVAC system you are using, the lifespan could be between 15 and 25 years.

  • Furnaces usually last for 20 or 30 years, or even longer than that, depending on the maintenance quality. Without proper maintenance, it could last as little as ten years.
  • Boilers have an average lifespan of 20 to 35 years.
  • Air conditioners can last up to 20 years and up to 12 years in coastal areas.
  • Mini-split heat pumps could last for 10 to 30 years. In coastal areas, the lifespan is usually lower.
  • Heat pumps can last up to 20 years. In coastal areas, heat pumps are known to prematurely fail and last up to 12 years.

To prolong the lifespan of an HVAC system, every step matters. During the installation, ensure that choose a system that is efficient and easy to repair. It should also be appropriately fitted for the home for energy efficiency, so there is no chance of overloading or underloading. If you have an old HVAC system that is starting to show its age, you should consider getting a replacement if possible.

Overall, HVAC maintenance will reduce your chance of running into extremely costly repair speakers they can detect small issues faster. Regular HVAC maintenance will also improve the efficiency of the system and reduce the chance of breakdown during high load seasons such as winter or the middle of the summer. It will also keep your utility cost in check.

So, are you planning to schedule an HVAC maintenance? Or do you want us to check your HVAC system? Contact Omega Heating and Air today, your premier source for HVAC maintenance, replacement, and more. Check out our website or call 404-438-0353.