How Many Times HVAC Units Require Repair Services

Apr 2, 2017 | Uncategorized

Technology is helping HVAC systems like your central air conditioning or heating units last longer than ever before! Still, technology has yet to reach the place where these critical home systems last forever. If you stay in your home for any length of time, you will likely need to replace your air conditioner, furnace, or both at some point. Most modern air conditioning units last 10-15 years, while a new furnace will typically last 15-20 years.

You can lengthen the life of your HVAC systems by scheduling regular HVAC service in Stockbridge. Here’s a quick guide to how often you might need HVAC repair in Stockbridge.

Annual Preventative Maintenance

If you’re committed to helping your existing heating or AC unit last as long as possible, experts recommend having your system cleaned, serviced, and inspected at least once per year. Many a heating repair company in Stockbridge offers a preventative maintenance HVAC program. These contracts allow you to pay a set fee–typically between $70 and $100–for a technician to come to your home semi-regularly to replace filters, and clean and inspect your system. Most companies will offer regular customers a discount on repairs in the rare instances when something goes wrong.

These preventative maintenance contracts also ensure your system is ready for the busy season. Generally, under these agreements, technicians will examine your air conditioner in the summer, and your heater in the fall. These timely visits ensure you aren’t waiting in line behind a dozen other customers during peak usage times.

While an annual service call or a preventative maintenance program may seem like an unnecessary expense, they usually pay for themselves. Cleaning your HVAC system and regularly replacing filters results in better energy efficiency. This means lower utility bills and systems that don’t require replacement as often. Some experts suggest regular maintenance can lower monthly energy bills by as much as 15 percent! Those savings add up quickly! The other way regular maintenance saves homeowners is by discovering and fixing small problems before they become large expensive ones.

Air conditioner and furnace replacements are some of the priciest home repairs, so limiting the number of times you need a new HVAC component can save you thousands. There is a point of limiting returns on maintaining an old system, however, and an experienced technician can inform you of the best time to cut your losses and purchase a new air conditioner or furnace. Planning ahead on major purchases can help you handle the situation when it is time to upgrade your system. Your technician can brief you on the three things that likely mean it’s time to start planning for a big HVAC purchase.

Obviously, an older machine–an AC that’s older than 10 years or a furnace older than 15 years–are approaching the limits of their lifespan. At some point, it will be a better investment to replace the machine rather than continue maintaining it. A technician can help you determine when that time is.

Those who live in areas of high humidity may need to replace their systems more often. If a coil on your AC is freezing or growing mold, or your home is feeling more humid, it’s probably time to replace the unit. Finally, if your energy costs are skyrocketing, you’ve reached the point of diminishing returns and it’s time to look into purchasing a new air conditioner and/or furnace from Omega Heating & Air Conditioning.