5 Simple Ways to Be More Energy Efficient

Though the temperature has started to drop, energy bills may not have followed suit. It’s valuable to remember that being energy efficient is just as important in the winter as it is in the summer. In fact, there are a few ways to save energy and money during...

Should I Turn Off My Air Conditioner?

With summer in full swing, your AC has probably been putting in the work to keep your home cool. This may be noticeable when you step back into your house after being out on a hot day or even on your utility bill. You may wonder if it’s a good idea to turn it off if...

AC Noises that Should Concern You

We all know when the AC is running well and are used to the hum of the motors and engines cooling our home. Sometimes we’ll hear strange noises here or there and brush them off, thinking that it all comes with running the air conditioner. However, not all noises are...